sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014


Lima is undoubtedly one of the most iconic cities of Peru and Latin America. Its history, marked by the arrival of Pizarro and the place occupied in the Inca Empire, made ​​it the center of the mix of cultures, rootedness, commercial transactions and resistance in the country. This city has plenty to see and ensures that travelers continually surprised.

Lima has a temperate climate throughout the year. This, coupled with its great cultural and historical center that amazes anyone make this city an ideal place for travelers curious to know the history of Latin America destination. Lima is always open to everyone.

Cultural Lima 
The region preincaico cultural past has left its traces in this city, so it is not uncommon to find amidst the visibly colonial town, some witnesses and monuments of the preceding cultures. Many archaeological museums, which have struggled to ensure they survive the last vestiges of these rich cultures are also seen.

Hotels in Lima 
It is difficult to find a hotel in Lima. Lima hotels are many and varied so it will be a simple task to find the one that suits your needs. It is best to stay in the city center, where you can be close to the old town: the most beautiful of Lima. It is also advisable to search for hotels in Miraflores, a bit away from the center area where you find everything you are looking for, even beaches. It is where, if you search hotels in Lima, attempts that are located in tourist areas.

Shopping in Lima
To shopping in Lima, one of the areas is recommended Miraflores. This fishing village was gaining more weight. It began to expand, to grow and is now part of the city. It has beautiful beaches, but also has great shopping centers where you can buy anything you want in Lima, from souvenirs to clothes.

Another fundamental traits of indigenous cultures that still today can be distinguished are those concerning everyday customs, trading and especially the cuisine: considerably different and new flavors and abundant in individuals.

Churches and Convents 
Lima has several religious architectural treasures. Among the convents and churches of the city stands Santo Domingo, is the oldest convent in the city and was created for the title of Our Lady of the Rosary. San Pedro is a seventeenth century Jesuit convent Neoclassical style. On the other hand, the Church and Convent of San Agustín the sixteenth century and Our Lady of Mercy are two captive visits.

But they are not the only buildings that worth to go in Lima. El Santuario de Santa Rosa de Lima is the eighteenth century and is dedicated to Santa Rosa. Finally, the Convent of the Discalced was built by the Franciscan order in the sixteenth century and has inside an incredible collection of colonial paintings. To visit all these is nothing better than looking alojamietno architectural gems in the area. Book your hotel near downtown Lima and enjoy a walk through the history of the city.

There are several museums to see in Lima, but the most important are undoubtedly the Museum of Art, the Museum of the Central Bank, the Museum Josefina Ramos de Cox, the Postal and Philatelic Museum, the Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions (the most comprehensive of Lima), the Museum of the Inquisition and of Congress, the Museum of Peruvian Culture and National Museum of Anthropology, Archaeology and History, the Museum of Gold and Guns Peru and finally, the Museum of the Nation. Lima is a cultural city. If you are looking for hotels in Lima note its proximity to these great museums to not miss a visit to all of them.

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